" Where is Mark?" In the final episode, Rich describes continued investigative efforts over the past 30 years to find Mark Himebaugh . 🚓 Rich began working the case in 1996 and remains committed to this day to finding Mark, h...
" Missing Boy or Abducted Boy?" In episode 3, Rich shares when the investigation shifted from a missing boy to a likely abduction , 🚨 and describes several early suspects. 🚓 Rich began working the case in 1996 and remains com...
"Tracing Mark's Steps After the Fire" Welcome back for segment 2, in this series with Richard McHale. Rich details the initial investigation where - without surveillance - police tried to trace Mark's steps after he left the ...
"A Brush Fire After School" Meg interviews retired Middle Township Sgt. Rich McHale. . 🚓 In segment 1, Rich describes the events of November 25, 1991, the day Mark Himebaugh went missing . Rich began working the case in 1996 ...
Welcome back to part II in this series with Bucks County District Attorney, Matt Weintraub 🎙️ He and Meg chat about the path that led him to be a career prosecutor, and the unique role of a prosecutor in seeking justice.
The NJ Criminal podcast welcomes Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub 🎙️ Matt speaks with Meg about the path that led him to be a career prosecutor, and the unique role of a prosecutor in seeking justice.
“Prisoner Reentry” refers to the transition of offenders from prisons or jails back into the community. Over 640,000 people are released from state and federal prisons each years, but more than half are unable to find jobs and more than 3/4 are re-arrested within 3-5 years of release.
Jonathan Sharp, Masters in Criminal Justice, Rowan University, draws on his personal experiences and extensive analytics research to discuss prisoner reentry, racial disparities in the prison system, and what needs to change.
Jonathan Sharp, Masters in Criminal Justice, Rowan University, draws on his personal experiences and extensive analytics research to discuss prisoner reentry, racial disparities in the prison system, and what needs to change.
Jonathan Sharp, Masters in Criminal Justice, Rowan University, draws on his personal experiences and extensive analytics research to discuss prisoner reentry, racial disparities in the prison system, and what needs to change.
“Prisoner Reentry” refers to the transition of offenders from prisons or jails back into the community. Over 640,000 people are released from state and federal prisons each years, but more than half are unable to find jobs and more than 3/4 are re-arrested within 3-5 years of release. They remain…
In 2006, Meg wrote an article for the Cape May County Bar Association newsletter, “Justice Matters”, on the history of the Cape May County Bar Association in honor of its 100th Anniversary.
Welcome back to the final segment, in this 3-part series. Meg is joined by well-known and well-respected Use of Force Expert, Glenn Garrels. Glenn breaks down the recently-issued NJ Attorney General Directive on Use of Force ...
Welcome back to part-2, in this 3-part series. Meg is joined by well-known and well-respected Use of Force Expert, Glenn Garrels. Glenn breaks down the recently-issued NJ Attorney General Directive on Use of Force - the first...
In this 3-part series, well-known and well-respected Use of Force Expert, Glenn Garrels, breaks down the recently-issued NJ Attorney General Directive on Use of Force - the first revision to NJ's Use of Force Policy in two de...