NJ Lawyer Podcast

Larry Wilder

Larry Wilder Profile Photo


Larry has been practicing law in Southern Indiana for 37 years. In 2018 he and a young colleague, Zach Stewart, took on a local sheriff’s office and jail for the torture of Jerrod Draper while in custody. Jerrod ultimately died that night. The New York Times and The Farstaractionfund.org took up their cause and a young filmmaker, Sam Mirporian produced a 20 minute documentary of this horrible night in the backwoods jail in Indiana.


May 19, 2023

Murder of Jerod Draper in a Safe Place

In 2018, Jerod Draper was pulled over while having a suicidal episode. ⚖️ His life ended shortly thereafter when a Guantanamo Bay trained nurse tortured Jarod Draper to death with a fifty-thousand volt Taser while strapped to...

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