NJ Lawyer Podcast

Fred Amicucci

Fred Amicucci Profile Photo

Vice President of Sales and Marketing at DataScreening background checks

Fred is the VP of Sales & Marketing for Data Screening. He is a member of the Professional Background Screening Association and American Staffing Association, as well as serving on the board of directors for the New Jersey Staffing Alliance. Fred has a BA in psychology and criminal justice from Moravian University.

Nov. 7, 2021

Fred Amicucci pt2 - Employment Background Checks

In part 2 meg continues her conversation with Fred Amicucci , the VP of Sales & Marketing for Data Screening . He is a member of the Professional Background Screening Association , American Staffing Association, as well as se...

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Nov. 7, 2021

Fred Amicucci pt1 - Data Screening Background Checks

In the first episode of season three, Meg chats with Fred Amicucci . Fred is the VP of Sales & Marketing for Data Screening . He is a member of the Professional Background Screening Association , American Staffing Association...

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