This installment of Meg's movies features Inherit the Wind. Inherit the Wind is one of the best-known court case movies. This 1960 Hollywood remake of the Scopes 'Monkey' Trial recasts the events of the real-life event. The State of Tennessee v Jo…
These famous court case movies can be quite inspirational, whether you're a lawyer a student, or a history buff The Trial"The Trial is the best film I have ever made." - Stated Orson Welles, immediately after completing the production. The film was…
Judgment at Nuremberg The story of the Trial of Ernst Janning. The film follows the trial of Janning, who was a world-renowned jurist and head of the Nazi Ministry of Justice. The movie was received with critica…
In this edition of Meg's court-movies, we bring you "The Reader" The Reader is a 2008 romantic drama film directed by Stephen Daldry and written by David Hare. Based on a 1995 German novel, the film stars Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, and Da…
"12 Angry Men" was released a lifetime ago, but it has remained as a classic because it timelessly portrays the prejudices and emotions of 12 people. A drama about a young man accused of murdering his father, 12 Angry Men explores the dynamics of a…